Directory of Cities and Towns in Luce, Slovenia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Luce

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Erjavec city Luce Slovenia 46.39 14.81 3582 1542
Konjski Vrh city Luce Slovenia 46.40 14.80 3451 857
Koren city Luce Slovenia 46.35 14.73 2509 1389
Krnica city Luce Slovenia 46.35 14.75 2509 1466
Luce city Luce Slovenia 46.36 14.75 2509 1422
Mlinari city Luce Slovenia 46.31 14.70 2867 1150
Podveza city Luce Slovenia 46.35 14.73 2509 1327
Podvolovljek city Luce Slovenia 46.30 14.70 4189 1198
Raduha city Luce Slovenia 46.37 14.75 1811 1433
Stoglej city Luce Slovenia 46.37 14.73 2509 1404
Strmce city Luce Slovenia 46.40 14.77 2775 1090
Strmec city Luce Slovenia 46.40 14.77 2775 1090

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