Directory of Cities and Towns in Komenda, Slovenia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Komenda

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dobrava city Komenda Slovenia 46.23 14.55 1243 17420
Gmajnica city Komenda Slovenia 46.20 14.57 1092 30019
Komenda city Komenda Slovenia 46.20 14.54 1062 15713
Komendska Dobrava city Komenda Slovenia 46.23 14.55 1243 17420
Komenska Dobrava city Komenda Slovenia 46.23 14.55 1243 17420
Kriz city Komenda Slovenia 46.20 14.57 1092 25135
Lahovce city Komenda Slovenia 46.22 14.52 1108 10704
Lahovice city Komenda Slovenia 46.22 14.52 1108 10704
Moste city Komenda Slovenia 46.20 14.55 1046 22633
Nasovce city Komenda Slovenia 46.22 14.53 1099 10689
Nasovici city Komenda Slovenia 46.22 14.53 1099 10689
Suhadole city Komenda Slovenia 46.18 14.55 1036 29239
Zalog city Komenda Slovenia 46.22 14.55 1135 19132
Zalog pri Cerkljah city Komenda Slovenia 46.22 14.55 1135 19132

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