Directory of Cities and Towns in Sentilj, Slovenia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Sentilj

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Cersak city Sentilj Slovenia 46.70 15.67 1007 15328
Cirknica city Sentilj Slovenia 46.67 15.68 1079 13002
Kozjak city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.68 1066 13416
Kozjak pri Cersaku city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.68 1066 13416
Marija Snežna city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.77 1108 7127
Občina Šentilj city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.65 1026 17190
Plodersnica city Sentilj Slovenia 46.65 15.78 1043 6541
Selnica city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.70 1115 11204
Selnica ob Muri city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.70 1115 11204
Spodnja Velka city Sentilj Slovenia 46.65 15.77 964 6924
Spodnje Dobrenje city Sentilj Slovenia 46.65 15.65 895 12946
Sveti Ilj city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.65 1026 17190
Trate city Sentilj Slovenia 46.69 15.79 1040 6789
Velka city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.77 1108 7127
Zgornja Velka city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.77 1108 7127
Zgornje Vrtice city Sentilj Slovenia 46.65 15.65 895 12946
Šentilj city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.65 1026 17190
Šentilj v Slov. Goricah city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.65 1026 17190
Štrihovec city Sentilj Slovenia 46.67 15.67 1187 13850
シェンティリ city Sentilj Slovenia 46.68 15.65 1026 17190

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