Directory of Cities and Towns in Sencur, Slovenia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Sencur

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Breg city Sencur Slovenia 46.22 14.40 1184 34429
Breg ob Savi city Sencur Slovenia 46.22 14.40 1184 34429
Hotemaze city Sencur Slovenia 46.28 14.43 1669 16382
Hrastje city Sencur Slovenia 46.22 14.40 1184 34429
Luze city Sencur Slovenia 46.27 14.43 1669 19063
Olsevek city Sencur Slovenia 46.28 14.43 1669 16382
Prebacevo city Sencur Slovenia 46.21 14.40 1184 36254
Srednja Vas city Sencur Slovenia 46.27 14.43 1669 19063
Srednja Vas - Goriče city Sencur Slovenia 46.27 14.43 1669 19063
Trboje city Sencur Slovenia 46.20 14.42 1158 22404
Tupaliče city Sencur Slovenia 46.28 14.43 1669 16382
Visoko city Sencur Slovenia 46.27 14.42 1669 21801
Voglje city Sencur Slovenia 46.22 14.44 1184 15915
Voklo city Sencur Slovenia 46.22 14.42 1181 24486
Šenčur city Sencur Slovenia 46.25 14.42 1669 27129

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