Directory of Cities and Towns in Radece, Slovenia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Radece

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Brunška Gora city Radece Slovenia 46.05 15.20 830 6521
Goreljce city Radece Slovenia 46.03 15.21 1187 6697
Občina Radeče city Radece Slovenia 46.07 15.18 830 7083
Počakovo city Radece Slovenia 46.05 15.12 2509 3763
Radeče city Radece Slovenia 46.07 15.18 830 7083
Svibno city Radece Slovenia 46.07 15.10 1669 2844
Vrhovo city Radece Slovenia 46.04 15.22 830 5310
Zebnik city Radece Slovenia 46.07 15.13 1069 5076
Čimerno city Radece Slovenia 46.08 15.12 2604 5253
Радече city Radece Slovenia 46.07 15.18 830 7083
ラデチェ city Radece Slovenia 46.07 15.18 830 7083

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