Directory of Cities and Towns in Zabalj, Serbia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Zabalj

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Josefdorf city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
Josefsdorf city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
Josephsdorf city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
Josipovac city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
Zabalj city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
Zsablya city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
Zseblye city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
Ĵabalj city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
Жабаљ city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
جابالي city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
ژابالی city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874
扎巴利 city Zabalj Serbia 45.37 20.07 265 3874

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