Directory of Cities and Towns in Vranje, Serbia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Vranje

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ivranya city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
Vranje city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
Vranya city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
Wragl city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
Βαρανεια city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
Βράνιε city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
Вране city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
Враня city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
Врање city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
וראניה city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
فرانيي city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
وارنیے city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
ورانیئے city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
ورانیه city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
ڤرانیێ city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
ヴラニェ city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
弗拉涅 city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483
브라네 city Vranje Serbia 42.56 21.90 1669 41483

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