Directory of Cities and Towns in Velika Plana, Serbia

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Alphabetical listing of Places in Velika Plana

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Velika Plana city Velika Plana Serbia 44.33 21.08 328 5662
Велика Плана city Velika Plana Serbia 44.33 21.08 328 5662
فيليكا بلانا city Velika Plana Serbia 44.33 21.08 328 5662
ولیکا پلنا city Velika Plana Serbia 44.33 21.08 328 5662
ویلیکا پلانا city Velika Plana Serbia 44.33 21.08 328 5662
大普拉納 city Velika Plana Serbia 44.33 21.08 328 5662
벨리카플라나 city Velika Plana Serbia 44.33 21.08 328 5662

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