Directory of Cities and Towns in Uzice, Serbia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Uzice

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Oujiste city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
Titovo Užice city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
Ussitza city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
Užice city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
Ούζιτσε city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
Горад Ужыцы city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
Оужицє city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
Ужице city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
ئوژیتسێ city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
اوژیتسه city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
اوژیتسے city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
اوژیچے city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
อูซีตเซ city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
ウジツェ city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
乌日策 city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531
우지체 city Uzice Serbia 43.86 19.84 1669 40531

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