Directory of Cities and Towns in Ruma, Serbia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Ruma

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Arpatarlo city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
Ruma city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
Árpataró city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
Ρούμα city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
Горад Рума city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
Рума city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
רומה city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
روما ،سربیا city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
ڕوما city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
รูมา city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
ルマ city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
魯馬 city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972
루마 city Ruma Serbia 45.01 19.82 396 31972

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