Directory of Cities and Towns in Pirot, Serbia

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Alphabetical listing of Places in Pirot

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Pirot city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749
Πίροτ city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749
Пирот city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749
Пірот city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749
פירוט city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749
پیروت city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749
پیرۆت city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749
ピロト city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749
皮罗特 city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749
피로트 city Pirot Serbia 43.16 22.59 1190 35749

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