Directory of Cities and Towns in Nis, Serbia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Nis

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Naissus city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Nich city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Nisch city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Nish city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Niska Banja city Nis Serbia 43.29 22.01 1669 43070
Nissa city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Nisz city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Niš city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Nišas city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Νις city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Ниш city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
Нишка Баня city Nis Serbia 43.29 22.01 1669 43070
Нишка Бања city Nis Serbia 43.29 22.01 1669 43070
ניש city Nis Serbia 43.32 21.90 830 58338
尼什礦泉村 city Nis Serbia 43.29 22.01 1669 43070

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