Directory of Cities and Towns in Golubac, Serbia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Golubac

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Galambóc city Golubac Serbia 44.65 21.63 830 5482
Golubac city Golubac Serbia 44.65 21.63 830 5482
Golubats city Golubac Serbia 44.65 21.63 830 5482
Golubački grad city Golubac Serbia 44.65 21.63 830 5482
Golubăț city Golubac Serbia 44.65 21.63 830 5482
Γκόλουμπατς city Golubac Serbia 44.65 21.63 830 5482
Голубац city Golubac Serbia 44.65 21.63 830 5482
گولوباچ city Golubac Serbia 44.65 21.63 830 5482
哥魯拜克 city Golubac Serbia 44.65 21.63 830 5482

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