Glinka, Poland Page

Latitude 52.4167 Longitude 17.2667 Altitude (feet) 324
Lat (DMS) 52° 25' 0N Long (DMS) 17° 16' 0E Altitude (meters) 98
Time zone (est)
Approximate population for 7 km radius from this point: 7606

Glinka Temperature in Celsius

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Glinka Cloud Cover in Percent

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Glinka Precipitation

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Nearby Cities and Towns
West North East South
Tarnowo (1.8 nm)
Gwiazdowo (2.4 nm)
Jagodno (1.2 nm)
Glinka Szlachecka (1.2 nm)
Promno (2.1 nm)
Wojtostwo (3.1 nm)
Gora (2.7 nm)
Pobiedziska (3.2 nm)
Polska Wies (4.2 nm)
Kocialkowa Gorka (1.6 nm)
Sanniki (2.6 nm)
Zbierkowo (3.2 nm)
Iwno (1.0 nm)
Kostrzyn (1.2 nm)
Siedlec (2.3 nm)
Sokolniki Klonowskie (3.0 nm)
Sokolniki (3.1 nm)
Klony (4.0 nm)

Nearby Airports

Code IATA Kind Name City Distance Bearing Airlines
FR33555 Medium Bednary Air Base Pobiedziska 7 nm N 346
EPPK Small Poznań-Kobylnica Airport Poznań 8 nm W 277
EPPO POZ Medium LAWICA Poznan 16 nm W 271 Private Wings ,(one of Ryanair or Freight Runner),(one of Lufthansa or Lufthansa Cargo or Lufthansa Ital),LOT Polish Air,Jet Air,Austrian Airli,Scandinavian A,Wizz Air
FR33566 Closed Gostyń-Gola Air Base Gostyń 33 nm S 198
EPBY BZG Medium SZWEDEROWO Bydgoszcz 48 nm N 32 (one of Ryanair or Freight Runner),Jet Air
Nearby references in Wikipedia:
Distance Title
0.7 nm NW Glinka Szlachecka
1.0 nm S Iwno, Greater Poland Voivodeship
1.2 nm NW Jagodno, Greater Poland Voivodeship
1.1 nm W Glinka Duchowna
1.3 nm NE Kociałkowa Górka
2.3 nm NW Promno
2.3 nm SE Siedlec, Poznań County
2.0 nm SW Kostrzyn
1.8 nm E Sanniki, Greater Poland Voivodeship
1.8 nm W Tarnowo, Poznań County
3.0 nm S Sokolniki Klonowskie

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