Directory of Cities and Towns in Central, Paraguay

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Central

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Angostura city Central Paraguay -25.53 -57.62 164 6210
Aregua city Central Paraguay -25.31 -57.38 282 69944
Aregva city Central Paraguay -25.31 -57.38 282 69944
Banco San Miguel city Central Paraguay -25.27 -57.62 187 374369
Barrio Caacupe Mi city Central Paraguay -25.22 -57.55 278 232497
Barrio San Blas city Central Paraguay -25.22 -57.57 167 230937
Barrio San Isidro 1 city Central Paraguay -25.37 -57.60 830 320025
Barrio San Isidro 2 city Central Paraguay -25.37 -57.50 830 318687
Candida Aohucarro city Central Paraguay -25.43 -57.53 259 154187
Capiatá city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178
Capista city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178
Carauncua city Central Paraguay -25.53 -57.35 830 38592
Caraungua city Central Paraguay -25.53 -57.35 830 38592
Colonia Eliza city Central Paraguay -25.37 -57.62 383 264735
Colonia Lomas Valentinas city Central Paraguay -25.52 -57.52 416 25703
Colonia Mariano Roque Alonso city Central Paraguay -25.17 -57.55 183 85891
Colonia Nueva Italia city Central Paraguay -25.62 -57.50 830 2250
Colonia Roque Alonso city Central Paraguay -25.17 -57.55 183 85891
Colonia Thompson city Central Paraguay -25.45 -57.50 380 124237
Colonia Thomson city Central Paraguay -25.45 -57.50 380 124237
Cuatro Mojones city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.58 830 508108
Estancia Surubi city Central Paraguay -25.18 -57.50 206 114326
Fernando de la Mora city Central Paraguay -25.32 -57.60 830 530256
Guarambaré city Central Paraguay -25.48 -57.47 347 60781
Guazú Virá, Tacuaral city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.27 183 23045
Ijhoby city Central Paraguay -25.45 -57.32 830 46625
Ipacarai city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.27 183 23045
Ipakarajus city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.27 183 23045
Ita city Central Paraguay -25.48 -57.35 334 53050
Ita Ybate city Central Paraguay -25.55 -57.52 265 13391
Ita Ydate city Central Paraguay -25.55 -57.52 265 13391
Itauguá city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.33 830 48574
Itauguá Guazú city Central Paraguay -25.40 -57.32 830 47589
Itaugva city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.33 830 48574
J. Saldivar city Central Paraguay -25.45 -57.40 830 74205
Kapiatã city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178
Kapjata city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178
Kendal city Central Paraguay -25.32 -57.35 157 33577
Kendall city Central Paraguay -25.32 -57.35 157 33577
La Mercedes city Central Paraguay -25.25 -57.55 298 314288
Lambaré city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.65 157 304530
Limpio city Central Paraguay -25.18 -57.53 288 110547
Luqua city Central Paraguay -25.27 -57.57 396 452990
Luque city Central Paraguay -25.27 -57.57 396 452990
Mariano Roque Alonso city Central Paraguay -25.17 -57.55 183 85891
Mercedes Ibarra city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.57 830 457971
Nemby city Central Paraguay -25.37 -57.60 830 320025
Nueva Italia city Central Paraguay -25.62 -57.50 830 2250
Nueva Italija city Central Paraguay -25.62 -57.50 830 2250
Patino Cue city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.33 200 34537
Patiño city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.33 200 34537
Pedrozo city Central Paraguay -25.40 -57.20 830 35852
Piquete Cué city Central Paraguay -25.12 -57.50 209 59568
Posta Leiva city Central Paraguay -25.40 -57.57 337 235260
Potrero Guazu city Central Paraguay -25.40 -57.32 830 47589
Puerto Alegre city Central Paraguay -25.68 -57.78 173 645
Puerto Botánico city Central Paraguay -25.23 -57.57 337 265355
Puerto Lobata city Central Paraguay -25.75 -57.78 170 642
Puerto Lobato city Central Paraguay -25.75 -57.78 170 642
Puerto Santa Elena city Central Paraguay -25.73 -57.73 193 812
Puerto Sara city Central Paraguay -25.70 -57.75 173 740
Puesto Areco city Central Paraguay -25.60 -57.60 187 766
Puesto Deidamia city Central Paraguay -25.72 -57.65 196 894
Puesto Itacurubi Guazu city Central Paraguay -25.65 -57.57 187 896
Puesto Sarita city Central Paraguay -25.70 -57.68 180 871
Puesto Ybyra Guazú city Central Paraguay -25.67 -57.62 180 891
Puesto Yuasy-y city Central Paraguay -25.72 -57.60 187 894
San Antonio city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.63 190 209193
San Carlos city Central Paraguay -25.58 -57.65 160 653
San Felipe de Borbón del Valle del Bastán en los Campos del Guarnipitán city Central Paraguay -25.47 -57.60 183 25891
San Lorensas city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
San Lorenso city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
San Lorenzo city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
San Lorenzo de la Frontera city Central Paraguay -25.37 -57.60 830 320025
San Lorenzo del Campo Grande city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
Santa Clara city Central Paraguay -25.63 -57.70 167 704
Santisima Trinidad city Central Paraguay -25.25 -57.63 157 227708
Tabai city Central Paraguay -25.42 -57.28 226 25891
Tavaí city Central Paraguay -25.42 -57.28 226 25891
Trinidad city Central Paraguay -25.25 -57.63 157 227708
Viljeta city Central Paraguay -25.47 -57.60 183 25891
Villa Elisa city Central Paraguay -25.37 -57.62 383 264735
Villeta city Central Paraguay -25.47 -57.60 183 25891
Y-jhovy city Central Paraguay -25.45 -57.32 830 46625
Ypacarai city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.27 183 23045
Ypacaray city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.27 183 23045
Ypane city Central Paraguay -25.45 -57.53 232 109952
Ytaygua city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.33 830 48574
Zarate Isla city Central Paraguay -25.23 -57.50 226 175848
Итаугуа city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.33 830 48574
Капијата city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178
Ламбаре city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.65 157 304530
Сан Лорензо city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
Сан-Лоренсо city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
ایتائوگوآ city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.33 830 48574
سان لورينزو city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
سن لورنزو، پاراگوئه city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
لامباره city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.65 157 304530
لامباری city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.65 157 304530
لوكي city Central Paraguay -25.27 -57.57 396 452990
کاپیاتا city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178
იტაუგუა city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.33 830 48574
კაპიატა city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178
ლამბარე city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.65 157 304530
ლუკე city Central Paraguay -25.27 -57.57 396 452990
სან-ლორენსო city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
カピアタ city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178
ランバレ city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.65 157 304530
ルケ city Central Paraguay -25.27 -57.57 396 452990
伊陶瓜 city Central Paraguay -25.38 -57.33 830 48574
卡皮亞塔 city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178
卢克 city Central Paraguay -25.27 -57.57 396 452990
聖洛倫索 city Central Paraguay -25.33 -57.53 416 431529
蘭巴雷 city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.65 157 304530
람바레 city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.65 157 304530
루케 city Central Paraguay -25.27 -57.57 396 452990
카피아타 city Central Paraguay -25.35 -57.42 318 147178

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