Directory of Cities and Towns in Chiradzulu, Malawi


Alphabetical listing of Places in Chiradzulu

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Chiradzulu city Chiradzulu Malawi -15.70 35.19 3349 42779
Chiradzulu Boma city Chiradzulu Malawi -15.70 35.19 3349 42779
Mlungusi city Chiradzulu Malawi -15.88 35.32 2509 37842
Namadzi city Chiradzulu Malawi -15.63 35.17 3372 39249
Njuli city Chiradzulu Malawi -15.69 35.13 5029 42788
Walala city Chiradzulu Malawi -15.59 35.16 3349 37906
Чирадзулу city Chiradzulu Malawi -15.70 35.19 3349 42779

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