Directory of Cities and Towns in Al Wahat, Libya

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Al Wahat

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Adjadabia city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Adschdabiya city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Adzsdábija city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Adżdabija city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Adžedábíja city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Agedabia city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Ajdabiyah city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Ajdābiyā city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Aĝdabija city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Corniclanum city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Ecdebiye city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Läcdabiän city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Äcdabiya city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Адждабия city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Адждабія city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Аџдабија city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
Горад Адждабія city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
אגדאביא city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
أجدابيا city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
اجدابيا city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
اجدابیا city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
شعبية إجدابيا city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
აჯდაბია city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
アジュダービヤー city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
艾季达比耶 city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072
아지다비야 city Al Wahat Libya 30.76 20.23 52 7072

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