Directory of Cities and Towns in Al Marqab, Libya

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Al Marqab

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Al Khums city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Al Ĥums city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Al-Khums city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
El Choms city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Homs city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Humsas city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Khoms city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Khums city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Labdah city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Lebda city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
al-Chums city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Горад Аль-Хумс city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Хомс city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
Хумс city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
אל-חומס city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
الخمس city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
الخمس، لیبی city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
الخُمس city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
خمس، لیبیا city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
ელ-ხუმსი city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
フムス city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
胡姆斯 city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118
훔스 city Al Marqab Libya 32.65 14.26 157 35118

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