Directory of Cities and Towns in Al Marj, Libya

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Al Marj

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Al Marj city Al Marj Libya 32.49 20.83 1118 36040
Al-Mardż city Al Marj Libya 32.49 20.83 1118 36040
El Merj city Al Marj Libya 32.49 20.83 1118 36040
Märciän city Al Marj Libya 32.49 20.83 1118 36040
Аль-Мардж city Al Marj Libya 32.49 20.83 1118 36040
Ель-Мардж city Al Marj Libya 32.49 20.83 1118 36040
Эль-Мардж city Al Marj Libya 32.49 20.83 1118 36040
المرج city Al Marj Libya 32.49 20.83 1118 36040
شعبية المرج city Al Marj Libya 32.49 20.83 1118 36040

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