Directory of Cities and Towns in Al `Asimah, Kuwait

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Al `Asimah

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ad Dasht city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.31 3 11804
Ad Dasma' city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 48.00 26 190640
Ad Dasmah city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 48.00 26 190640
Ad Dasmā’ city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 48.00 26 190640
Al Khidr city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.29 26 9112
Al Murqāb city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.37 47.98 19 169099
Al `Awazim city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.42 48.38 6 7283
Al ‘Awāzim city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.42 48.38 6 7283
As Salihiyah city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 47.97 19 153565
Ash Sharq city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.38 47.99 16 116376
Ash Shubaykah city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.43 48.30 29 10417
Az Zaur city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.44 48.27 26 7376
Az Zawr city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.44 48.27 26 7376
Az Zor city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.44 48.27 26 7376
Bneid Al-Gar city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.38 48.00 16 128471
Bunayd al Qār city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.38 48.00 16 128471
Dasma city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 48.00 26 190640
Dasmah city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 48.00 26 190640
Failakka Village city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.44 48.27 26 7376
Geraniya city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.33 3 12755
Mansab Ayal Amai'an city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.41 48.40 6 5912
Mansab Ayal Amai’an city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.41 48.40 6 5912
Mansab `Iyal al May`an city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.41 48.40 6 5912
Manşab ‘Iyāl al May‘ān city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.41 48.40 6 5912
Mirqab city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.37 47.98 19 169099
Qrainiyah city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.33 3 12755
Qullat Shujayr city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.30 13 9976
Qurainiya city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.33 3 12755
Qurayniyah city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.33 3 12755
Umm Şiddah city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 47.99 55 185596
Zor city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.44 48.27 26 7376
أم صدة city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 47.99 55 185596
أُمّ صِدَّة city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 47.99 55 185596
الخضر city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.29 26 9112
الدسمة city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 48.00 26 190640
الدسمة(DASMA) city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 48.00 26 190640
الدشت city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.31 3 11804
الزور city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.44 48.27 26 7376
الشبيكة city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.43 48.30 29 10417
الشرق city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.38 47.99 16 116376
الصالحية city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 47.97 19 153565
العوازم city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.42 48.38 6 7283
المرقاب city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.37 47.98 19 169099
اَلدَّسْمَة city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 48.00 26 190640
اَلدَّشْت city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.31 3 11804
اَلزَّوْر city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.44 48.27 26 7376
اَلشَّرْق city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.38 47.99 16 116376
اَلشُّبَيْكَة city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.43 48.30 29 10417
اَلصَّالِحِيَّة city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.36 47.97 19 153565
اَلْخِضْر city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.29 26 9112
اَلْعَوَازِم city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.42 48.38 6 7283
اَلْمُرْقَاب city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.37 47.98 19 169099
بنيد القار city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.38 48.00 16 128471
بُنَيْد اَلْقَار city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.38 48.00 16 128471
قرينية city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.33 3 12755
قلة شجير city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.30 13 9976
قُرَيْنِيَّة city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.33 3 12755
قُلَّة شُجَيْر city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.46 48.30 13 9976
منصب عيال الميعان city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.41 48.40 6 5912
مَنْصَب عِيَال اَلْمَيْعَان city Al `Asimah Kuwait 29.41 48.40 6 5912

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