
Alphabetical listing of Places in Chungnam

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
동산골 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.73 127.00 134 40782
동산리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.59 126.79 265 10553
동산리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.82 127.07 200 71074
동산리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.61 126.58 68 17581
동산리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.14 127.24 170 8493
동산뫼 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.85 126.63 298 29155
동산미 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.53 126.55 55 15516

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