
Alphabetical listing of Places in Incheon

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
부고개 city Incheon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.67 126.20 59 214
부조고개 city Incheon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.74 126.48 45 31858
부조부락 city Incheon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.74 126.48 45 31858
부천 city Incheon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.52 126.81 121 1337851
부평구 city Incheon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.52 126.76 19 1149028
부평동 city Incheon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.50 126.72 85 1049350
부평변전소 city Incheon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.51 126.73 19 1054501

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