
Alphabetical listing of Places in Chungbuk

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
귀골 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.37 127.73 830 8139
귀래골 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 37.06 127.92 308 38936
귀룡말 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 37.01 127.72 351 7931
귀만이 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.64 127.75 830 11234
귀바위 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.65 127.68 1017 9206
귀화 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.29 127.60 830 25222

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