Directory of Cities and Towns in Kericho, Kenya

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Kericho

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ainamoi city Kericho Kenya -0.29 35.27 6843 53362
Ainemoi city Kericho Kenya -0.29 35.27 6843 53362
Chamagel city Kericho Kenya -0.68 35.12 5938 53045
Chemagal city Kericho Kenya -0.68 35.12 5938 53045
Chemagel city Kericho Kenya -0.68 35.12 5938 53045
Chemosiet city Kericho Kenya -0.50 35.17 5997 50210
Chemosiet city Kericho Kenya -0.47 35.17 5869 47768
Chemosit city Kericho Kenya -0.47 35.17 5869 47768
Chemosit city Kericho Kenya -0.50 35.17 5997 50210
Chemosot city Kericho Kenya -0.50 35.17 5997 50210
Fort Ternan city Kericho Kenya -0.20 35.34 5869 21261
Jamji city Kericho Kenya -0.48 35.19 5944 47228
Kabianga city Kericho Kenya -0.45 35.14 5879 51716
Kaitui city Kericho Kenya -0.29 35.16 6213 29743
Kaituiy city Kericho Kenya -0.29 35.16 6213 29743
Kap Sarok city Kericho Kenya -0.30 35.06 5029 19925
Kapkaim city Kericho Kenya -0.29 35.37 6817 32072
Kapkiam city Kericho Kenya -0.29 35.37 6817 32072
Kapsamonget city Kericho Kenya -0.32 35.22 7017 61940
Kapsaos city Kericho Kenya -0.32 35.34 7011 41445
Kapsaus city Kericho Kenya -0.32 35.34 7011 41445
Kapsoit city Kericho Kenya -0.32 35.22 7017 61940
Kapsuser city Kericho Kenya -0.40 35.22 6709 52720
Kapsuserr city Kericho Kenya -0.40 35.22 6709 52720
Kapsuset city Kericho Kenya -0.40 35.22 6709 52720
Kapuset city Kericho Kenya -0.40 35.22 6709 52720
Kebenet city Kericho Kenya -0.45 35.08 5452 54004
Kebeneti city Kericho Kenya -0.45 35.08 5452 54004
Kedowa city Kericho Kenya -0.23 35.56 7782 17014
Kenegut city Kericho Kenya -0.27 35.22 6709 34903
Kericho city Kericho Kenya -0.37 35.28 6870 79675
Kibongoi city Kericho Kenya -0.48 35.17 5990 48479
Kiligis city Kericho Kenya -0.17 35.15 5029 28178
Kipkelion city Kericho Kenya -0.20 35.47 6755 31194
Kiptere city Kericho Kenya -0.40 35.10 5938 51040
Koituiy city Kericho Kenya -0.29 35.16 6213 29743
Litein city Kericho Kenya -0.58 35.19 6286 62366
Londiani city Kericho Kenya -0.16 35.59 7549 26298
Lumbwa city Kericho Kenya -0.20 35.47 6755 31194
Lumowa city Kericho Kenya -0.20 35.47 6755 31194
Masaita city Kericho Kenya -0.13 35.59 7549 25974
Sitian city Kericho Kenya -0.23 35.53 7549 22097
Sondu city Kericho Kenya -0.39 35.02 5029 51007
Sorget city Kericho Kenya -0.04 35.53 8389 11082
Sosiot city Kericho Kenya -0.36 35.17 6217 54941
Sotik city Kericho Kenya -0.68 35.12 5938 53045
Sunny Brook city Kericho Kenya -0.12 35.57 7549 25907
Wandore city Kericho Kenya -0.22 35.53 7034 22809

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