
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Thār city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.55 75.34 1702 32396
Thār city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.57 75.32 2509 32551
Thār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.00 75.89 1138 33474
Thār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.69 76.03 4189 17546
Thār Beni city Uttar Pradesh India 27.11 78.30 830 62280
Thār Bhūra city Uttar Pradesh India 27.12 78.30 830 67500
Thār Chhote city Uttar Pradesh India 27.10 78.26 830 58656
Thār Jamdār city Uttar Pradesh India 27.10 78.26 830 56165
Thār Jālim city Uttar Pradesh India 27.11 78.31 830 71121
Thār Kāmrāj city Uttar Pradesh India 27.11 78.30 830 66968
Thār Nargāpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.01 78.50 830 57854
Thāra city Maharashtra India 19.47 78.19 1669 15203
Thāra city Himachal Pradesh India 32.63 76.00 4189 19332
Thāra city Himachal Pradesh India 31.87 76.76 2509 31842
Thāra city Himachal Pradesh India 31.49 76.88 3530 50654
Thāra city Bihar India 25.01 86.56 239 92274
Thāra Izar city Uttarakhand India 29.90 79.97 5334 19257
Thāra Khurd city Maharashtra India 19.82 77.86 830 21462
Thāran Ghasā city Uttar Pradesh India 27.90 79.50 830 48785
Thārang city Himachal Pradesh India 32.90 76.89 12896 745
Thārhi city Bihar India 25.24 87.30 144 201130
Thārhpathar city Uttar Pradesh India 24.25 83.01 830 39760
Thāri city Himachal Pradesh India 32.99 76.55 10987 1341
Thāri city Bihar India 26.56 86.32 229 52828
Thāri Ijar city Uttarakhand India 29.35 79.66 5869 3874
Thāri Paunī city Maharashtra India 21.35 78.30 1184 18303
Thārli city Himachal Pradesh India 31.36 77.30 5439 18476
Thārpathra city Madhya Pradesh India 22.85 81.42 2509 9208
Thārpathār city Madhya Pradesh India 22.25 80.60 1948 11554
Thārpu city Sikkim India 27.14 88.19 2509 19284
Thāru city Himachal Pradesh India 31.45 77.28 7549 17289
Thāru city Himachal Pradesh India 31.33 77.56 6102 29608
Thāru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.21 76.24 2893 30335
Thāru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.11 76.37 2814 41892
Thāru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.02 76.61 3572 33352
Thāru Dudhār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.32 76.81 9228 1067
Thārumsa city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.52 76.17 10068 386
Thārupur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.81 82.53 265 70827
Thāruwa city Himachal Pradesh India 31.52 77.58 8618 9387
Thāruīn city Himachal Pradesh India 32.63 76.10 4189 18521
Thārwa city Madhya Pradesh India 22.53 79.12 2509 10579
Thārā city Maharashtra India 20.92 79.13 1007 13862
Thārī city Uttar Pradesh India 25.53 82.80 265 51781
Thārūn city Himachal Pradesh India 32.21 76.06 1938 26803

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