
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Telo city Jharkhand India 25.01 87.59 213 33399
Teloli city Madhya Pradesh India 23.55 81.68 1696 5596
Telon city Haryana India 30.68 77.12 3513 2735
Telongudem city Andhra Pradesh India 17.22 79.36 830 33165
Telopara city Jharkhand India 24.66 87.51 830 22791
Telopāra city Jharkhand India 24.67 87.54 830 25391
Teloria city Rajasthan India 25.89 75.61 1003 17618
Telowali city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.53 75.17 1669 46479

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