
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tās city Maharashtra India 20.59 78.98 830 6854
Tās city Maharashtra India 20.78 79.49 872 15087
Tāsalpur city Haryana India 30.27 76.62 843 66449
Tāsgaon city Maharashtra India 17.04 74.60 1837 47120
Tāsgām city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.48 75.93 10157 149
Tāshigang city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.90 79.20 14268 0
Tāshipur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.83 81.54 341 86037
Tāshka city Uttar Pradesh India 28.80 79.04 830 234986
Tāshpur city Punjab India 31.17 75.26 830 39667
Tāsonrh city Uttar Pradesh India 26.86 78.21 830 52447
Tāspur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.64 82.61 285 133803

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