
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sop city Rajasthan India 26.63 76.77 843 10639
Sop city Himachal Pradesh India 32.47 76.53 9402 2384
Sopadarupeta city Andhra Pradesh India 18.28 83.84 134 95496
Sopadla city Karnataka India 16.00 75.06 2509 23378
Sopai city Madhya Pradesh India 21.73 78.01 2509 16051
Sopaltan Dube city Uttar Pradesh India 26.90 81.86 364 84690
Sopanahalli city Karnataka India 13.23 77.06 2670 45147
Sopanpeta city Andhra Pradesh India 18.44 83.82 78 50538
Sopara city Maharashtra India 19.42 72.80 19 318394
Sopara city Maharashtra India 19.36 76.18 1669 17707
Sopara city Madhya Pradesh India 24.34 77.99 1669 26224
Sopat city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.63 75.11 5403 57281
Sopauli city Uttar Pradesh India 27.05 83.00 285 87258
Soperu city Andhra Pradesh India 18.39 83.64 236 58312
Sopha city Uttar Pradesh India 27.98 77.77 830 71867
Sophala city Maharashtra India 19.58 72.83 22 36058
Sophara city Uttar Pradesh India 27.12 83.72 298 115061
Sophta city Madhya Pradesh India 25.82 78.77 830 30703
Sophwa city Bihar India 27.08 84.48 242 128339
Sophwa city Bihar India 26.77 84.52 219 238827
Sophāhi city Bihar India 24.67 85.18 830 75735
Sopona city Himachal Pradesh India 31.99 78.30 14655 156
Sopor city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.29 74.47 5108 93402
Sopore city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.29 74.47 5108 93402
Soppinhalli city Karnataka India 12.96 75.97 3349 27551
Soppinhosalli city Karnataka India 14.43 74.62 830 29774
Sopra city Madhya Pradesh India 24.28 77.03 1669 12751
Sopra city Bihar India 25.89 86.18 118 159540
Sopra ki Dhāni city Rajasthan India 26.31 76.02 951 22918
Soptā city Uttar Pradesh India 26.23 79.22 830 42601
Sopur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.29 74.47 5108 93402
Sopur city Andhra Pradesh India 18.29 77.56 1669 28805
Sopura city Rajasthan India 25.23 74.47 1669 30955
Sopurgōh city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.11 74.08 7549 23778
Soputtu city Odisha India 18.53 82.62 2896 15475
Sopāi city Uttar Pradesh India 26.44 83.18 216 165983
Sopālpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.13 81.76 321 92108
Sopāri city Uttar Pradesh India 25.30 81.59 830 57623

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