
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sombadi Khera city Uttar Pradesh India 26.14 80.77 416 75528
Sombaipalli city Andhra Pradesh India 18.47 79.23 866 54970
Sombar Bankat city Uttar Pradesh India 27.36 82.23 334 37205
Sombaraguda city Odisha India 19.01 83.86 830 17689
Sombari Hat city West Bengal India 26.95 88.70 1007 14914
Sombattu city Tamil Nadu India 13.37 80.17 19 42374
Sombhara city Maharashtra India 21.10 79.06 1000 651079
Sombharpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.82 82.72 252 151672
Sombulai city Madhya Pradesh India 21.89 76.27 1105 24201
Sombur city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.96 74.93 5242 120296
Sombāri city Sikkim India 27.14 88.15 5029 20026
Sombāritota city Odisha India 18.85 82.58 1929 47139

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