
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Soi city Himachal Pradesh India 31.18 77.34 5882 17251
Soi city Himachal Pradesh India 31.30 76.86 3425 35906
Soi city Uttar Pradesh India 28.15 78.04 830 81316
Soi city Uttar Pradesh India 28.15 79.09 830 60004
Soi Rar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.50 75.81 6709 298
Soia Nar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.47 74.74 8389 28827
Soida city Odisha India 21.76 84.36 830 26637
Soigaon city Maharashtra India 20.19 75.79 1906 23707
Soil city Himachal Pradesh India 30.93 77.61 5269 12488
Soila city Rajasthan India 26.83 73.33 1007 13800
Soila city Madhya Pradesh India 22.93 74.81 1669 24483
Soilār Khera city Uttarakhand India 30.86 77.94 6033 6407
Soima city Bihar India 25.42 85.73 147 37930
Soimandu city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.44 75.32 9228 37961
Soin city Madhya Pradesh India 25.75 76.67 830 22909
Soin Kalan city Madhya Pradesh India 25.75 76.67 830 22909
Sointara city Rajasthan India 26.27 72.38 830 9911
Sointhra city Rajasthan India 26.27 72.38 830 9911
Sointikra city Odisha India 21.25 83.57 830 46045
Soinur city Andhra Pradesh India 19.36 78.86 1669 12431
Soipathri city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.72 74.79 7549 68167
Soipur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.08 74.52 5869 57757
Soipur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.06 74.67 5147 38790
Soipur city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.69 74.97 5869 53018
Soipur city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.90 75.25 6095 10901
Soira city Odisha India 21.76 84.36 830 26637
Soiraniyān city Bihar India 25.17 84.25 252 160031
Soit city Maharashtra India 20.28 78.82 830 20741
Soit city Maharashtra India 19.67 78.01 990 19586
Soit city Maharashtra India 19.53 77.82 1223 20681
Soiya Kalan city Uttar Pradesh India 24.88 82.30 830 25658
Soiya Kalān city Uttar Pradesh India 24.87 82.30 830 25628

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