
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sohāgi city Madhya Pradesh India 24.98 81.70 830 44127
Sohāgi city Madhya Pradesh India 24.47 80.15 1102 14842
Sohāgi city Uttar Pradesh India 25.04 81.86 314 46913
Sohāgmāra city Bihar India 26.30 87.50 170 67865
Sohāgpur city Madhya Pradesh India 23.32 81.35 1669 71822
Sohāgpur city Chhattisgarh India 22.12 82.71 862 34268
Sohāgpur city Chhattisgarh India 21.59 82.88 830 27745
Sohāgpur city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.52 74.82 889 34797
Sohāgpur city Madhya Pradesh India 21.93 78.80 2509 39126
Sohāgpur city Madhya Pradesh India 22.32 77.18 1003 23556
Sohāgpur city Madhya Pradesh India 21.88 77.98 2509 41715
Sohāgpur city Madhya Pradesh India 22.59 79.51 2034 13730
Sohāgpur city Chhattisgarh India 21.07 82.55 1062 19072
Sohāgpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.00 81.64 318 92820
Sohāgpur city Bihar India 26.50 84.20 209 112374
Sohāgpur city Bihar India 26.25 87.58 147 77466
Sohāi city Madhya Pradesh India 24.81 81.70 1007 32645
Sohāl city Punjab India 31.98 75.35 843 63063
Sohān city Rajasthan India 26.72 77.69 830 25653
Sohān city Uttarakhand India 30.51 77.89 2509 18563
Sohāna city Punjab India 30.69 76.71 977 135719
Sohāna city Haryana India 29.66 77.04 830 120075
Sohāna city Uttar Pradesh India 25.40 80.34 413 51806
Sohāns city Uttar Pradesh India 27.07 82.11 324 61198
Sohānsa city Bihar India 26.16 84.94 177 111426
Sohānsi city Bihar India 26.16 84.92 177 105850
Sohāora Khurd city Punjab India 32.24 75.48 866 50471
Sohār city Madhya Pradesh India 24.30 82.30 912 20763
Sohār Chhota city West Bengal India 25.84 87.92 82 77825
Sohārantola city Madhya Pradesh India 22.72 81.63 2585 4803
Sohāri city Himachal Pradesh India 31.79 76.26 1909 33295
Sohās city Uttar Pradesh India 27.04 83.46 295 99677
Sohās city Uttar Pradesh India 28.50 79.91 830 43371
Sohāta city Haryana India 30.20 76.96 879 70345
Sohāvi city Punjab India 30.75 76.38 853 38992
Sohāwal city Bihar India 25.01 83.53 269 35303
Sohāwal city Madhya Pradesh India 25.06 81.35 830 38727
Sohāwali city Uttar Pradesh India 27.78 78.25 830 40196

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