
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Seu city Himachal Pradesh India 31.49 77.56 5029 9387
Seu city Rajasthan India 27.57 77.30 830 40955
Seua city Bihar India 24.83 84.09 347 95566
Seuka city Bihar India 25.74 86.38 118 97038
Seunhra city Uttar Pradesh India 26.82 83.16 232 45113
Seunhri city Uttar Pradesh India 26.81 83.16 232 43594
Seunrah city Uttarakhand India 29.23 79.65 4189 13894
Seunthi city Uttar Pradesh India 26.35 81.11 364 58938
Seunthi Purwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.35 81.11 364 59524
Seunān city Bihar India 25.94 86.13 104 139712
Seupura city Rajasthan India 26.83 77.34 830 34800
Seur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.28 82.54 265 212011
Seur city Maharashtra India 19.74 77.91 895 22059
Seura city Rajasthan India 27.54 72.31 830 3461
Seura city Uttarakhand India 29.23 79.66 3457 10654
Seura city West Bengal India 24.28 87.82 114 138532
Seura city West Bengal India 24.26 87.86 101 136216
Seurapahari city West Bengal India 24.29 87.82 127 138532
Seuri city Uttar Pradesh India 27.12 80.89 403 42830
Seurādānga city West Bengal India 24.29 87.78 134 114836
Seuta city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.05 75.62 5029 21890
Seuth city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.09 75.59 5029 22624
Seuthal city Himachal Pradesh India 30.70 77.69 6286 27472

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