
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Seru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.85 76.18 6896 7450
Seru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.78 76.06 8389 11318
Seru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.84 76.10 6863 7454
Seru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.68 76.12 5869 16519
Seru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.59 76.07 3556 21174
Seru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.60 76.02 2719 21414
Seru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.73 76.13 4330 11682
Seru city Madhya Pradesh India 23.21 76.29 1669 22284
Seru Chak city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.67 74.76 875 110978
Serua city Uttar Pradesh India 24.86 82.63 830 39729
Serua Dharampur city Uttar Pradesh India 28.92 78.71 830 111887
Serubatoli city Jharkhand India 22.57 85.07 1003 13562
Serubeda city Andhra Pradesh India 18.34 82.98 3592 17345
Seruka city Uttar Pradesh India 25.25 83.32 229 83119
Serukaha city Bihar India 26.11 84.75 206 141898
Serukahiya city Bihar India 27.01 84.34 229 104571
Serula city Goa India 15.55 73.84 85 124693
Seruna city Rajasthan India 28.08 73.72 830 5667
Serupalle city Odisha India 18.46 82.00 902 15943
Serupalle city Odisha India 18.45 81.83 830 10306
Serupalle city Odisha India 18.26 81.88 830 15943
Serusinta city Andhra Pradesh India 18.11 82.82 3477 17202
Seruwala Mazra city Uttar Pradesh India 29.09 79.12 830 56338
Seruāpār city Uttar Pradesh India 26.67 83.13 232 54830

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