
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Senga city Uttarakhand India 30.63 77.78 2509 16702
Sengadu city Tamil Nadu India 12.75 80.18 32 42194
Sengai city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.05 75.68 6243 20977
Sengaon city Maharashtra India 19.79 76.89 1669 23010
Sengaon city Maharashtra India 19.58 79.14 1669 9233
Sengaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.81 81.69 830 23714
Sengaon city Maharashtra India 19.61 79.14 1669 11005
Sengara city Uttar Pradesh India 25.23 83.07 232 169701
Sengaripalli city Andhra Pradesh India 18.56 79.91 830 11879
Sengarmau city Uttar Pradesh India 27.13 79.91 830 63137
Sengarwar city Madhya Pradesh India 24.84 81.73 1017 33843
Senge Dzong city Arunachal Pradesh India 27.47 92.10 10068 1959
Sengi city Maharashtra India 19.70 78.05 951 18199
Sengippatti city Tamil Nadu India 10.71 78.95 262 18157
Sengmai city India 24.95 93.88 2627 6231
Sengpur city Gujarat India 21.60 73.11 72 64092
Senguda city Madhya Pradesh India 22.67 81.57 2578 3427
Sengura city Chhattisgarh India 22.27 81.55 1095 16915
Sengāthākoiam city Tamil Nadu India 13.30 80.03 118 39758

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