
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sīl city Himachal Pradesh India 31.54 77.25 10068 14232
Sīl city Punjab India 30.35 76.52 830 92870
Sīl Kund city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.26 75.09 3349 14617
Sīla city Uttarakhand India 29.95 78.54 3490 13741
Sīla city Uttarakhand India 29.95 78.68 2509 18863
Sīla city Uttarakhand India 29.82 78.67 3349 20570
Sīla city Uttarakhand India 29.50 79.72 5869 14776
Sīla Kātli city Uttarakhand India 29.82 78.64 3375 17792
Sīla Rām city Uttar Pradesh India 27.61 81.53 383 93697
Sīlakattu city Odisha India 18.20 81.64 849 8791
Sīlamkota city Andhra Pradesh India 18.24 82.48 3743 12633
Sīlampurbasti city Delhi India 28.67 77.27 830 2964391
Sīlepur city Madhya Pradesh India 23.51 76.48 1669 38065
Sīlgaon city Madhya Pradesh India 24.07 78.23 1669 24831
Sīlgaon city Rajasthan India 27.99 76.60 875 39368
Sīlha city Himachal Pradesh India 32.18 76.33 4189 63075
Sīlha city Himachal Pradesh India 31.27 76.88 3454 32337
Sīli Pakholi city Uttarakhand India 29.84 78.99 4471 13568
Sīlkanth city Madhya Pradesh India 22.59 77.24 879 14827
Sīlon city Madhya Pradesh India 24.68 79.82 915 14155
Sīlora city Rajasthan India 25.17 76.90 1122 10123
Sīlori city Rajasthan India 25.17 76.94 1197 9983
Sīlpur city Uttar Pradesh India 28.66 78.75 830 124448
Sīlpura city Madhya Pradesh India 25.74 77.56 1669 11522
Sīlābarsu city Uttarakhand India 29.79 78.93 5029 15198
Sīlādehi city Madhya Pradesh India 22.04 79.54 2011 53138
Sīlāita city Madhya Pradesh India 24.72 77.39 1669 14131
Sīlār city Bihar India 24.66 84.41 830 58815
Sīlāsan city Rajasthan India 24.86 72.23 830 21085
Sīlāwati city Madhya Pradesh India 23.12 76.02 1735 11103

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