
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Roual city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.32 74.18 4189 10741
Roukela city Odisha India 22.22 84.86 830 260023
Rounderi Chhoti city Uttarakhand India 29.66 78.94 2887 11814
Rounia city Bihar India 25.52 87.40 98 79737
Roura city Himachal Pradesh India 31.00 77.15 4360 8056
Rourella city Odisha India 22.22 84.86 830 260023
Rourkela city Odisha India 22.22 84.86 830 260023
Rourkera city Odisha India 22.22 84.86 830 260023
Routhuguda city Odisha India 19.36 83.76 410 16706
Routhuranga city Odisha India 19.28 83.82 830 10877
Routi city Bihar India 25.91 87.63 88 73060

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