
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Rokadwādi city Maharashtra India 19.01 76.84 1230 23018
Rokali city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.11 75.71 6069 13845
Rokampur city Uttar Pradesh India 28.45 79.33 830 152047
Rokansir city Rajasthan India 28.15 74.97 1030 39408
Rokar city Uttar Pradesh India 26.98 81.62 314 97508
Rokarwādi city Maharashtra India 18.87 76.60 1669 48131
Rokda city Maharashtra India 20.68 75.18 925 37250
Rokda city Maharashtra India 20.44 75.07 1102 56379
Rokdānda city Sikkim India 27.14 88.42 4212 25557
Rokel city Chhattisgarh India 18.58 81.73 830 7618
Rokha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.17 81.43 364 60387
Rokha ki Dhāni city Rajasthan India 28.19 75.49 1003 39884
Rokhe city Punjab India 31.80 74.77 830 47394
Rokhlu city Himachal Pradesh India 31.42 77.31 6998 18097
Rokmaipalli city Andhra Pradesh India 18.25 78.21 1811 24258
Rokri city Uttar Pradesh India 25.21 81.96 295 22522
Rokāl city Odisha India 20.22 82.64 892 19519

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