
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Rāu city Uttarakhand India 30.56 79.20 12168 9685
Rāuli city Odisha India 19.23 83.17 2076 11175
Rāupur city Madhya Pradesh India 25.10 80.19 830 28418
Rāut Bigha city Bihar India 24.92 85.48 259 122969
Rāuta city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.95 74.85 1984 23332
Rāutbandh city Odisha India 21.81 83.98 830 61914
Rāutgaon city Bihar India 25.51 85.92 147 138079
Rāutha city Rajasthan India 24.88 75.92 1210 34650
Rāutkheda city Maharashtra India 18.84 77.38 1256 29806
Rāuttola city Bihar India 25.64 84.86 170 120783
Rāuwāl city Punjab India 32.10 75.47 830 69015
Rāuwāla city Punjab India 30.45 74.95 830 47844

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