
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Rāmpur Gadauli city Uttar Pradesh India 25.81 81.41 298 80889
Rāmpur Gandpur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.40 74.67 6056 31456
Rāmpur Ghana city Uttar Pradesh India 28.86 78.47 830 236589
Rāmpur Ghirwa city Uttar Pradesh India 27.41 80.90 830 42970
Rāmpur Gopāl city Bihar India 26.37 85.00 177 112034
Rāmpur Gori city Uttar Pradesh India 25.87 81.99 242 91584
Rāmpur Gori city Uttar Pradesh India 25.88 81.99 242 98032
Rāmpur Goshain city Uttar Pradesh India 28.04 78.36 830 80173
Rāmpur Goshain city Uttar Pradesh India 26.40 81.55 357 71278
Rāmpur Goshāin city Uttar Pradesh India 26.45 83.11 229 244887
Rāmpur Grant city Madhya Pradesh India 25.24 80.34 830 30462
Rāmpur Gurthauli city Uttar Pradesh India 26.71 83.17 209 48770

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