
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Rājbaili city Bihar India 26.07 87.34 180 79285
Rājbaili city Bihar India 25.80 87.61 111 61998
Rājban city Himachal Pradesh India 30.53 77.66 1669 22113
Rājbandh city Jharkhand India 24.58 87.83 131 109035
Rājbandha city Jharkhand India 24.28 83.69 830 45411
Rājbaun Talla city Uttarakhand India 29.70 78.89 2851 14999
Rājbāgh city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.07 74.83 5121 357572
Rājbāndh city Jharkhand India 25.11 87.42 150 56335
Rājbāns city Jharkhand India 24.05 83.59 1089 26184
Rājbār Bigha city Bihar India 25.01 84.50 246 119842
Rājbāra city Bihar India 25.97 86.08 111 132356
Rājbāri city West Bengal India 22.41 88.79 29 83546
Rājbāri city Bihar India 24.77 86.00 830 46904
Rājbāri city Bihar India 25.61 87.98 101 94245

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