
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Puro Chak city Punjab India 32.01 75.74 875 51925
Purodi city Uttarakhand India 30.66 77.90 5869 34879
Purohi city Himachal Pradesh India 31.18 77.02 5029 13845
Purohit ka Nangal city Rajasthan India 27.06 75.77 1669 61905
Purohitanavalasa city Andhra Pradesh India 18.57 83.24 830 43257
Purohitji ka Khera city Rajasthan India 25.32 74.40 1669 19018
Purohitkhera city Uttar Pradesh India 28.29 78.95 830 73308
Purohiton ki Dhani city Rajasthan India 28.11 75.44 1040 81751
Purohitwāla city Uttarakhand India 30.37 78.04 2509 38586
Purola city Uttarakhand India 30.87 78.08 4560 4748
Purolia city Jharkhand India 25.16 87.73 111 60610
Puron Kadal city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.70 75.66 8389 298
Purongām city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.08 75.08 8674 66391
Puroni city Madhya Pradesh India 22.68 76.96 1010 22648
Purora city Kerala India 11.97 75.58 173 71693
Purora city Kerala India 11.95 75.58 190 73955
Purorr city Nagaland India 25.99 94.80 6709 16651
Purotan Purwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.98 81.95 364 79873
Puroti city Uttar Pradesh India 26.82 81.66 334 74351
Purowāl Arāiyān city Punjab India 32.04 75.29 830 47018
Purowāl Rājputān city Punjab India 32.01 75.33 830 59226

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