
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ponga Lellari city Odisha India 18.97 83.19 2673 11931
Ponga Paluru city Odisha India 18.95 83.17 1745 11038
Pongabada city Odisha India 19.33 83.35 1217 18918
Pongad city Andhra Pradesh India 17.81 79.95 830 25301
Pongalpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.27 82.96 269 121250
Pongar city Madhya Pradesh India 22.29 79.77 1669 15578
Pongar city Madhya Pradesh India 22.53 80.02 1669 9635
Pongar city Madhya Pradesh India 22.07 80.60 1830 19973
Pongar Tola city Madhya Pradesh India 22.54 80.03 1669 9507
Pongarhi city Bihar India 25.37 84.15 232 140440
Pongariha city Chhattisgarh India 22.22 81.89 951 25182
Pongarjhori city Madhya Pradesh India 22.19 80.36 1965 12670
Pongatola city Madhya Pradesh India 22.80 81.62 2568 10853
Pongini city Odisha India 19.46 83.62 2509 12205
Pongo Nagu city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.38 77.95 15108 0
Pongode city Andhra Pradesh India 16.92 79.73 367 36997
Pongra city Chhattisgarh India 22.65 83.70 1669 15831
Pongro city Chhattisgarh India 22.65 83.70 1669 15831
Pongu city India 26.49 94.87 2775 18691
Pongunagu city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.38 77.95 15108 0
Ponguturu city Andhra Pradesh India 17.09 81.43 196 56799

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