
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Patte Khera city Uttar Pradesh India 26.50 80.39 374 132714
Pattedoraluvalasa city Andhra Pradesh India 18.86 83.51 321 31306
Pattehal city Karnataka India 15.70 74.87 2509 4530
Pattehundi city Karnataka India 12.31 76.82 2509 65065
Pattehāl city Karnataka India 15.77 74.75 2509 47040
Pattempalem city Andhra Pradesh India 16.93 81.53 82 56368
Patten city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.45 75.62 2037 15048
Pattepalle city Andhra Pradesh India 18.07 82.84 3349 13023
Pattepuram city Andhra Pradesh India 16.10 79.98 121 38113
Pattepuram city Andhra Pradesh India 14.42 77.86 1062 20948

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