
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Pathla Gird Datia city Madhya Pradesh India 25.69 78.46 980 76203
Pathla Tilha city Bihar India 25.09 85.44 187 110763
Pathlakhera city Madhya Pradesh India 24.70 78.94 1036 21035
Pathlan city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.18 74.21 2509 7301
Pathlaphar city Bihar India 25.13 85.81 167 99890
Pathlautia city Bihar India 25.03 85.83 173 69836
Pathlautiya city Bihar India 24.55 84.86 830 108868
Pathlākhera city Madhya Pradesh India 24.58 79.16 1000 23479

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