
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nutalapativāripālem city Andhra Pradesh India 16.55 80.25 98 45583
Nutan Bāzār city Tripura India 23.43 91.75 216 27242
Nutan Mamrajpur city West Bengal India 24.70 87.93 62 166978
Nutanam city Andhra Pradesh India 16.95 81.21 255 31483
Nutangrām city West Bengal India 24.00 87.65 150 76974
Nutanpāra city West Bengal India 24.05 87.51 285 42035
Nuthimamidi city Odisha India 18.05 82.19 2562 7461
Nutimadugu city Andhra Pradesh India 14.49 77.33 1669 15859
Nutnus city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.44 74.30 5255 30293
Nuts Labbar city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.02 74.56 6046 44600
Nuttam city Tamil Nadu India 10.22 78.23 830 43799

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