
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nakud city Uttarakhand India 29.31 79.94 5301 12561
Nakul ka Pura city Uttar Pradesh India 25.45 83.47 196 97541
Nakuli city Rajasthan India 24.44 73.80 1669 31959
Nakulia city Uttarakhand India 28.98 79.73 830 69815
Nakulnar city Chhattisgarh India 18.73 81.41 1669 9983
Nakum city Uttar Pradesh India 29.99 77.26 830 57028
Nakund city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.23 76.26 13723 298
Nakuni city Madhya Pradesh India 24.16 81.41 1010 11452
Nakuni city Bihar India 25.75 86.20 121 222638
Nakur city Uttarakhand India 30.51 77.90 3622 20136
Nakur city Kerala India 12.61 75.19 830 45178
Nakurchi city Uttarakhand India 30.45 78.24 5869 19162
Nakuri city Uttarakhand India 30.74 78.35 3635 13816
Nakutola city Bihar India 25.68 84.89 154 138457

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