
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Naiwah city Uttar Pradesh India 26.36 80.98 393 59321
Naiwala city Uttar Pradesh India 29.60 78.13 830 37137
Naiwala city Punjab India 30.43 75.49 830 39026
Naiwala city Punjab India 29.88 76.11 830 47368
Naiwali city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.86 74.64 938 28293
Naiwariya city Uttar Pradesh India 25.24 82.53 265 195507
Naiwāla city Rajasthan India 26.87 75.61 1669 183325
Naiwāla city Haryana India 30.43 77.31 1000 43875

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