UpAlphabetical listing of Places in India
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Nāghar | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.78 | 79.83 | 3608 | 16973 |
Nāghar | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.88 | 79.90 | 4189 | 18117 |
Nāghar | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.74 | 79.92 | 4189 | 22698 |
Nāghhatnā | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.23 | 75.76 | 6709 | 14583 |
Nāghori | city | Rajasthan | India | 28.02 | 76.38 | 1069 | 49206 |
Nāghtāna | city | Maharashtra | India | 20.08 | 77.05 | 1778 | 21229 |
Nāghūr | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 18.49 | 79.10 | 935 | 125024 |
Nāghūr | city | Chhattisgarh | India | 20.41 | 80.94 | 1210 | 10500 |
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