
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mengadda city Karnataka India 16.37 77.50 1030 19060
Mengalwa city Rajasthan India 25.30 72.20 324 14304
Mengandob city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.44 74.99 12588 3866
Mengapur city Maharashtra India 20.46 78.53 830 23317
Mengasandra city Karnataka India 13.68 76.42 2509 18344
Mengawādi city Maharashtra India 21.36 78.05 1131 24960
Menghua city Bihar India 24.75 84.65 301 104392
Menghāt city Maharashtra India 21.00 78.96 902 33711
Mengni city Gujarat India 22.09 70.68 830 2324
Mengtia city Rajasthan India 24.97 73.95 1843 28304
Menguwa city Madhya Pradesh India 24.22 79.64 1007 13169
Mengātolā city Maharashtra India 21.35 80.15 1079 34796

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