
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Meja city Rajasthan India 25.41 74.55 1669 48556
Meja city Uttar Pradesh India 25.14 82.10 380 47556
Meja city Uttar Pradesh India 25.62 82.57 278 123279
Mejar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.40 75.63 6289 298
Mejda city Maharashtra India 20.02 78.38 908 12624
Mejedihi city West Bengal India 23.55 87.25 259 29001
Mejia city West Bengal India 23.57 87.11 239 176941
Mejia city Uttar Pradesh India 25.16 82.12 314 47204
Mejnipuram city Andhra Pradesh India 19.15 78.85 830 8665
Mejo city Uttar Pradesh India 26.80 79.90 830 32464
Mejorh city Rajasthan India 27.34 76.28 1669 26752
Mejwan city Uttar Pradesh India 26.07 82.85 272 97580

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